Paradise Ponds and Aquatics

Have a question about ponds? We have the answer at Paradise Ponds and Aquatics. Check out these FAQs and contact us today for more information!

  • Can Paradise Ponds and Aquatics do estimates over the phone?

    We can provide estimates over the phone if you provide images of your property. However, for the most accurate results, we prefer coming to your property in person. We can provide estimates the same day or the next day after an in-person appointment.

  • Do you offer any guarantees or warranties for your work?

    Yes, we have a Six-Month Labor Leak Guarantee. This covers our labor for pond installation. Many of the products we carry also come with warranties from the manufacturer.

  • What services do you offer at Paradise Ponds and Aquatics?

    We provide new pond builds, pond re-builds, pond maintenance, and pond clean-outs for your needs.

  • How can I get rid of algae in my pond?

    There are a few ways to prevent algae. At Paradise Ponds and Aquatics, we recommend regular pond clean-outs, chemicals, UV lights, and pressure filters. However, we know that every situation is different. We will work with you on the best approach to keep your pond algae-free. Clean-outs should be at least once or twice a year.

  • What do I need to do to add fish to my pond?

    If you want fish in your pond, there are several things you should do. First, make sure you have a good filtration system. Then, make sure the water is at the correct depth. Finally, you should get the proper chemical balance to help your fish thrive. If you need help, Paradise Ponds and Aquatics can offer you advice and support.

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